Monday, March 4, 2013

P. rufilata

Two of my 4" P. rufilata molted in the last month. The verdict? We have a pair! One boy and one girl I'm so excited! (pictured is the male) P. rufilata is one of my favorite species. When I first began the hobby this one was at the top of my wish list. It's easy to see why, adults show beautiful shades of green and gold with bright pink hairs that I am unable to capture on camera. One of the largest arboreal tarantulas they can grow to 8-9 inches with the occasional 10 inch specimen! WOW!

As a result of the recently confirmed male and female I am letting go three of the seven 1.5-2" slings we are growing out. They are currently available in our store $49. There well started little guys are eating dubia and are large enough to house in juvenile enclosures. (Pictured below)

Our oldest P. rufilata was last bred in September. She is really fattening up and we're keeping our fingers crossed she lays an eggsac. She co-habitated  with the male peacefully for many weeks until one day decided to have him for dinner. Here is the best shot I could get of her. She's not social like her next door neighbor P. ornata.

While attempting to snap some shots of our hopefully gravid P. rufilata, A. diversipes thought she would come out to show off the pregnant look. 

 And P. irminia was a little jealous other gravid girls were getting all the attention. She came out right as I was leaving the spider room "hey, don't forget me! I'm rockin' the pregnant look" she said. Her words exactly.

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