Saturday, March 29, 2014

G. pulchra (Brazilian Black) and A. eutylenum (California Ebony)

We have two breeding females of G. pulchra (Brazilian Black) and two of A. eutylenum (California Ebony). One Brazilian Black has been bred while both California Ebony girls have been paired. Both species are lovely, can you tell who is who? (scroll for the answer)

A. eutylenum (California Ebony) is pictured second/below. This female is one of our favorite spiders. We can see why many keepers of the species affectionately refer to their Ebony as "the poor mans Brazilian Black." Although the Ebony is native to California the species seldom available in the hobby. Despite the fact Ebony's are extremely hardy, like their look-alike Brazilian Black the Ebony is difficult to breed. We hope to see one of our females produce so others may enjoy this wonderful species.

1 comment:

  1. I found a male California Ebony and there's not a lot on this particular breed, do you have any tips for care?
